Long tittle i know. sorry about that

i wanted to share this with everybody cause it took me hours to get this working on IBM servers
ive been reading a lot of blogs about this so i wanted to put my findings here

you can use a management windows station or a vm on the esx host itself (windows 2003 or higher)

first i did some preparations:

  • enabled ssh on your ESXi host
  • start CIM server on your ESXi host

your ESXi host must be 5.x !!

tools that i used are:

WinSCP – here
Putty – here

Download the latest LSI SMIS for VMware – here
ou can also download the latest driver, MegaCLI and Megaraid storage manager (MSM) – here

UseĀ Megaraid storage manager version 13 or higher


  • unzip the LSI SMIS file
  • Login with WinSCP as root user onto you ESXi host and copy the VIB file into the root path or where ever you want.
  • Login with Putty as root and install the VIB file: esxcli software vib install -vĀ vmware-esx-provider-lsiprovider.vib –no-sig-check –maintenance-mode
  • do the same if you want to install the new driver or megaCLI
  • reboot your esx host
  • install the LSI MSM software

if you did it correctly you should now see the controller in your esxi host configuration health status.


now important part to make it work
you need a proxy to send the information from the LSI MSM program to your raid controller over the network

this is where alex blog comes to help, so thank you Alex
you can read his complete blog about it – here

so download the slp_helper.zip file and extract it on your disk
you will need to edit the slp_helper.php file

look for theĀ $unicast_ips = array(‘’);Ā and change the ip address for you esxi host ip address. start the programma by clicking runme.cmd

MSM display all system network

If all is gone well then you can try to start the LSI Megaraid Storage manager but it wont discover your esx raidcontoller yet. you will need to configure host and set it to “displayĀ all the systems in the network of local server”
let is discover for a minute or 2 and finally you should see your esx host. login with the root user and you can manage your raid controller like on a windows locally installed server.


hope this helps