When installing a new vSphere environment i always forget the IE settings to make the web client plugin work

So here is a short overview for the correct settings in IE11. (for vSphere 5.5 and 6.x) and installation of the client plugin

First uninstall web client integration plugin if you already installed it. After that, do your IE settings first before installing the plugin again.
So open IE and go to settings and click on manage add-ons.


Look for “Shockwave Flash Object” and select it. If the status says  ‘disabled’ then click on the enable button in the button right corner.


Make sure ActiveX filtering isnt selected. if so deselect it.

IE11-ActiveX filtering

Now add your FQDN URL to your “Local intranet”

Go to internet options and click on the security tab. Select “Local intranet”

IE11-options local intranet

Click on sites and then click on advanced. add your FQDN Url from your vcenter server/appliance. Close internet options.

IE11-options local intranet add FQDN vCenter

  • go back to your vCenter web client (https://myfqdnvcenter:9443/vsphere-client and download the web client integration plugin. (save it don’t run it!). close IE for now.
  • Run the setup as administrator (Right click on the executable and choose run as administrator).
  • Open IE again and navigate to your vCenter webclient. the plugin should now work
  • Allow any pop-up you get from vCenter to allow console view, import ovf, etc…

Now never forget it again!