I found a nice script to deploy multiple VMs at the same time on the VMware Community site. i adjusted it a lil bit to meet my needs and tested it on vSphere 6.0  Build 2997665

here is the script i Used


Exported from Notepad++
$esxhost = "esxhost1.domain.local" $template = "YourTemplate" $datastore = "DS01" $newVmList = "TEST-SRV01", "TEST-SRV02" , "TEST-SRV03" , "TEST-SRV04" $custSpec = "W2012R2ScustSpec" $location = "TEST" $taskTab = @{} # Connect to vCenter Connect-viserver -Server yourvcenterserver.domain.local -User domain\administrator -Password youradminpassword # Create all the VMs specified in $newVmList foreach($Name in $newVmList) { $taskTab[(New-VM -Name $Name -VMHost (Get-VMHost -Name $esxName) -Template $template -Datastore $datastore -OSCustomizationSpec $custSpec -Location $location -RunAsync).Id] = $Name }



thank you EKardinal