cisco catalyst 2960 limit inboud rate – limit bandwith

By |2016-10-26T12:43:04+01:00September 26th, 2014|cisco|

hello all i'm gonna put a short post here what i did for limiting bandwith on a cisco catalyst 2960-x inbound and outbound rate. why you ask? because maybe your a provider and sold a customer a shared internet line for  3Mbit/s the post is a collection from bits and pieces from different websites Since you need Layer 3 switch for limiting the bandwith on an interface, you still can work arround it if you have QOS and Layer 2 switch outbound: this is simpel to do. for example if you need 3mb outbound trafic conf t speed 10 interface gigaEthernet1/0/3 srr-queue bandwith [...]