NSX Edge – Find DHCP lease

By |2017-12-15T12:10:45+01:00December 15th, 2017|VMware|

NSX Edge - Find DHCP lease When you switch to NSX edge and you setup DHCP for you network, you find yourself wondering or looking for some IP address of a new device you hooked up. Since there is nog overview in the NSX interface you have to SSH into your NSX edge. So lets SSH with your favorite program into the edge (in my case I use putty) Then type the following: show service dhcp leaseinfo It shows you the ip address and much more of all your DHCP lease devices. For example. i hooked up a new Cisco [...]

NSX manager Backup & Restore

By |2016-10-30T12:07:56+01:00October 13th, 2016|VMware|

NSX manager Backup & Restore. NSX is becoming very (maybe already is) important in you vSphere environment.So Backing up your configuration is essential to your environment. In case of a corrupt or bad configuration you can always restore to a previous point in time. Here is how you do it. Backup NSX First Setup a FTP server in your environment. I have chosen to set up an IIS FPT Server, but you can choose whatever FTP server your prefer. For example filezilla FTP Server, Serv-U, etc... Login to you NSX Manager (don't mind the error. I forgot my credentials for [...]

Upgrade vShield Manager 5.5 to NSX 6.1.4

By |2016-10-26T12:43:01+01:00April 4th, 2016|VMware|

Login to your vshield manager site and navigate to Settings & Reports. Click on Updates tab. here you can select "Upload Upgrade Bundle". Click it and select the upgrade bundle file. Now you can upload the bundle file. you get a warning that vShield manager will be updated. Click OK Click "install" to start the installation. Only thing to do is to confirm installation. Wait a few minutes. you see a yellow bar wich will display the different component being installed. Once finished the install will reboot the appliance automatically. After reboot you can log back in to the new [...]

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