if you are a service provider then check this out

vmware is working on a vCloud director version 8. currently in beta but you can join and test it

Join the vCloud Director 8.0 Beta

Includes vSphere 6.0 and NSX 6.1 support, plus key improvements in Virtual Data Center (VDC) and vApp management.

– See more at: http://www.vmware.com/partners/service-provider/#sthash.7KcLP4VZ.dpuf

The upcoming release for vCloud Director has several new enhancements that will enable service providers drive operational efficiency and offer new capabilities to their cloud customers. Some of the key highlights for this release are:

  • vSphere 6.0 and NSX 6.1 compatibility
  • Virtual Data Center (VDC) templates for self service enablement of OnDemand infrastructure
  • vApp enhancements for better usability
  • VM limits and throttling to drive better operation efficiency and minimize noisy neighbor issues in multi-tenant environments
  • OAuth suport in authentication providers
  • Better provisioning and automation support with a new vRealize Orchestrator Plugin

Beta software bits to be available on June 1st 2015

More details will be available as we kick off the beta program on June 1st. Ā Click here to sign-up for the kick-off webinar where we will provide an in-depth discussion on new features that will help you drive operational efficiency and offer new capabilities for your cloud customers. We will also walk you through the details of the beta program and how you can collaborate with product teams and other beta participants. If you intend to participate in vCloud Director beta, you do not want to miss this session as it will provide a primer on system requirements, compatibility matrix, beta community forums, beta surveys and more.

Learn more