HTML5 webclient logoVMware is working on replacing the VMware webclient on flash.

Here is the Fling “vSphere HTML5 Web Client”  As of writing, 29-03-2016, it is still in development, so help us test.


The vSphere HTML5 Web Client is here! It is written using HTML5 and Javascript, and we are looking forward to you trying it in your environment and hearing your feedback!

System Requirements

  • 2 vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 14 GB
  • An existing VC6.0 installation (VCSA or Windows). The H5 client appliance will need 4 GB RAM, 2 vCPUs and the hard disk will grow up to 14 GB.
  • Recommended browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE11. Others may work, with some functional or layout issues. Windows vCenter: Was tested with a vCenter on Windows Server 2012 R2, but should work with other versions as well. Please report any issues.