Deploy multiple VMs at the same time

By |2016-09-08T13:13:37+01:00September 8th, 2016|VMware|

I found a nice script to deploy multiple VMs at the same time on the VMware Community site. i adjusted it a lil bit to meet my needs and tested it on vSphere 6.0  Build 2997665 here is the script i Used       thank you EKardinal

How to get VM creation date PowerCLI script

By |2016-10-26T12:43:04+01:00December 23rd, 2014|Vmware|

I had a customer who wanted to know who created the vm and when so i started to look on the internet to see if anyone wrote a script already and some one did. so thank you Matt Bradford here is his script and i tested on my vmware vsphere 5.5 U1 home lab and worked without erros #Enter your vCenter Host below $vcenter = "your_vcenter_server" #Enter the CSV file to be created $csvfile = "VM_Birthdays.CSV" ################################ #Load the VMware Powershell snapin if the script is being executed in PowerShell Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' #Connect to the vCenter server defined [...]

vcenter 5.5 email alerts for all alarms

By |2016-10-26T12:43:04+01:00September 6th, 2014|Vmware|

vSphere Email alerting In the past i was always modifying every alert with email notification. this takes a lot of time to do. So i went to look on the internet and few smart people out there already wrote this script! so I want to thank these people for there help and knowledge: Lauren Malhoit and Mehdi Kianpour The script that you can download here, is for vSphere 5.5. So keep in mind that you need other script if you are running vSphere 5.0 or 5.1 or vSphere 4.1 Remark: The script ran with errors but kept going in most [...]

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