How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 4

By |2016-10-26T12:43:01+01:00March 31st, 2016|VMware, vRealize|

Read the previous other post  if needed How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 1 How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 2 How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 3 Make sure you downloaded the PAK files from VMware site first to proceed. vApp clusters The vApp cluster requires the deployment of the OS upgrade and the product upgrade .pak files. For an OS upgrade, the file is: vRealize_Operations_Manager-VA-OS-xxx.pak For the product upgrade of vApp clusters, the file is: vRealize_Operations_Manager-VA-xxx.pak More information can be found [...]

How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 3

By |2016-10-26T12:43:01+01:00March 30th, 2016|VMware, vRealize|

Read my other 2 post how to deploy and setup vROM How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 1 How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 2 Now we can start the migration. On the First Page you can now select if it’s a new environment or a migration. The migration will be next to each other so the old and the new appliance will keep collecting data until you decide your migration is successful.  If not just start over. So Select Import Environment and click Next. Accept [...]

How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 2

By |2016-10-26T12:43:01+01:00March 29th, 2016|VMware, vRealize|

Make sure you follow my previous post of how to deploy the vRealize Operations Manager Appliance 6.x So once you deployed the appliance and powered it on(wait enough time to let it start), you can now navigate to the appliance using your favorite browser. I used google chrome. Open your browser windows and type in the URL/ip of the appliance https://<> If this is your first appliance you can choose either Express installation or new Installation. For the migration you will need to choose new Installation. If you have very large productions sites or multiple datacenters sites, you can expand [...]

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